Monday, March 4, 2013

Inheritance of Acquired Chararistics

Inheritance of Acquired Chararistics:
Today  read an article in scientific american, it is talking about how some diseases that are inherited from your parents are not activated. The general idea is that if you have to the dominant trait for it to be passed on, now Andrew Chess is further exploring this, he has made a theory that some cells do not carry the disease, and others do. If the disease comes from your father, then only father cells carry that disease, not your mother. I found this article very interesting, and look forward to read more on this subject.
Fat People In America:
I watched a movie on diabetes and obesity in biology. From 1930-2007 the dairy consumption in america doubled, I learned that animal meats caused obesity, and the meat consumption of the average american increased by 20 lbs. The consumption of processed sugar also increased from 14 lbs to 140 lbs. Scientists found that when you eat meat, you feel like your stomach is half full, but when you eat the same amount vegetables, it feels like your stomach is completely full.The amount of people that died in america from cancer one year was 4000, while in japan, there were 18 cancer deaths. So when fast food came out people ate burgers, and other animal meats, but after the meal, they were still hungry, which caused them to overeat, making them fat. What i take away from this article is to ration your meat consumption, and try to eat more vegetables.